Our Lady Of Sion

Bursaries & Scholarships

Our Lady Of Sion


We offer means-tested, monetary awards, annually to school entrants at the usual points of entry, where the parents have indicated on the Registration Form that they require financial support. Both parents are required to provide proof of their income and assets. The level of support may vary according to parental need.
Within the assessment process
Each application is considered on its own merits. It is recognised that judgements about what sacrifices a family should make to pay school fees will be personal.
However, the school has a duty to ensure that any financial support it offers is well focused and targeted towards those most in need. Therefore, in determining the appropriate level of assistance to be offered, in addition to current earnings and assets, other factors will be considered, including:
Family circumstances. The school will take family circumstances into account.
Costs associated with other dependants e.g. sick or disabled parents or children.
Substantial realisable equity in the applicant’s home and ownership of or interest in other properties or assets.
In cases of separation, the contribution made by the non-resident parent.
Contributions to school fees or household costs by other family members.

Review Of Bursary Awards

Bursaries are always offered for 12 months at a time. The family is required to provide up-to-date information about financial circumstances for every year that their child attends the school. Levels of support may vary with fluctuations in income.

Our Lady Of Sion


Our Lady of Sion is keen to admit students with a wide range of talents and to encourage excellence in all areas. Scholarships are highly sought after and only a small number of scholarship applications are successful.

The accolade of “Scholar” is a noteworthy title. Holding the title “Scholar” should instil in the child a great sense of pride, honour, and responsibility. This title is not given freely and therefore if one is bestowed it, one should be mindful of its significance.

At Our Lady of Sion School, Scholarships (in general) do not hold a monetary value. However, there are three exceptions to this rule:

  • Ratisbonne Scholarship – Junior School (Reception – Year 6)
  • Louise Humann Scholarship – Year 9 and Year 10 entry into the school
  • Sapere Aude Scholarship – Entry into VISion (Sixth Form)

These scholarships are not means-tested. Their monetary value is between 5%-10% of the school fee for that academic year. Scholarships are reviewed each year and will be re-awarded if the young person has met the criteria of the scholarship expectations and upheld the values and ethos of the school.

You can find out more from the Scholarship Policy:

If you have been awarded a scholarship already, the previous system remains. The new process relates to anyone who is awarded a scholarship in the new academic year (unless your child was awarded a scholarship in the previous academic year to commence in September 2023).

A co-educational, independent school with a strong ethos, successfully providing education to children and young people from ages 3 – 18