Our Lady Of Sion

Early Years

Early Years

The Early Years at Sion are a wonderfully exciting time of discovery and exploration. Being the first step on the Sion Journey, it is a delight to encourage inquisitiveness and inspire a spirited response to the world, the self and others.


Session Times  
Morning Session 08:00 – 12:30
Afternoon Session 12:30 – 17:00
All Day 08:00 – 17:00

*Nb. If the sessions outlined above don’t meet your requirements, please feel free to ask us about tailoring your session times. Subject to availability.

Our nursery rooms offer activities and resources designed to enable children to explore and investigate the world around them, with access to their own covered outdoor play area.

Preparing for school is an integral part of our day in the Early Years room with resources to challenge children’s thinking and staff to support children during play to extend their learning through questions, exploration and investigation. Independence is strongly promoted, giving children the confidence and skills needed to take them further in their lives.

Early Years

A day in the life


Time Activity
8.00am – 9.10am When the children arrive each morning, they have the option to select from a variety of indoor games to kick start their day.
9.10am – 10.00am Free-flow & Adult Led Activities- Children have a wide range of activities to choose from – both indoors and outside in our covered learning garden. There is also a planned, adult-led, activity that caters to the children’s learning interests and needs.
10.00am Morning Snack time – Children are asked to sit around the table for snack time, which could often consist of fresh fruit, buttered toast, milk and water.
10.20am-10.45am Outdoor free play – When exploring outside, children play alone or engage with each other, learn to share, and problem solve.
10.45am – 11.00 Literacy Time – Children sit on the carpet for our letter of the week. We discuss the sound of the letter, how to read it, and how to write it.
11.00am  Outdoor free play – We believe outside play is an important part of nursery life. The beauty of children playing outside is that they learn so much more and so differently when they’re exploring in the fresh air.
11.15am-11.40am Numeracy Time – We sit around the table together and discuss our number of the week. We involve it in our counting games, and number recognition activities.
11.45am -11.55am Tidy up time – We practice good habits right from the earliest opportunity at Sion Nursery School so at the end of an activity, children learn to expect to have to tidy away the things they have been playing with, in a child-friendly and fun way, before we can move on to something new. We often see the beginnings of future work ethics developing during these times!
12.00pm -1.00pm Lunchtime
1.00pm Afternoon Registration – At afternoon registration, we welcome the children joining us for the afternoon session.
1.05pm-1.20pm Everybody Reads in Class (E.R.I.C Time)
1.30pm – 2.15pm Guided Learning – The children branch off into smaller groups to participate in adult-led learning activities to aid their development. Twice a week, this includes cooking activities while other topics might include: investigating the world, people who help us, dinosaurs and much more.
2.15pm-2.30pm Afternoon Snack time – Children are asked to sit around the table for snack time, which could often consist of fresh fruit or vegetables, crackers and/or produce from our cooking activities.
2.30pm-3.00pm Outdoor free play – Promoting creativity, exploration, independence, well-being and a sense of wonder. Whether it’s a bug hunt, problem solving, doing an obstacle course, building a fort or having a go at one of the ride-ons, there’s something for everyone in our covered outdoor area.
3.00pm-3.20pm Physical Activity – The children visit the big playground for an adult lead physical activity.
3.20pm-3.30pm Tidy up time – Not only is tidying a good routine to get into because it teaches responsibility and co-operation from an early age, but it also helps children to mentally transition between one activity and the next.
3.30pm-4.00pm Arts & Crafts – The children get involved in creative activities such as colouring, cutting and sticking, modelling or painting etc. Creativity goes hand in hand with imagination, but also aids self expression, helps to improve fine motor skills, patience, concentration and organisation skills (amongst many more things).
4.00pm-4.15pm Tea-time snack – We ask that children bring in one piece of fruit or a vegetable to share. We also encourage all children to try new and different foods but no child is obliged to eat a snack and we never pressure. The children are then encouraged to share their experiences verbally.
4.15pm-5.00pm  Story Time – A story is read aloud to the children and we play games related to what we’ve just heard, such as ‘Guess who I am?’
5.00pm At the end of a lovely day, it’s time for children to collect their things, say goodbye and head home to be with their families.

The day begins at 8.30am and ends at 3.30pm, in line with our Junior School timings.

Before the school day, children may arrive at 8am for Morning Club. At the end of the day, there is a range of after school clubs or children can remain in our Afternoon Club until 5pm.



Whilst our curriculum is based upon the Early Years Framework (EYFS), as an independent school we seek every opportunity to add value and enrich the children’s learning with exciting opportunities that may not be otherwise available.

The Early Years Framework focuses on seven areas of learning.

  • Communication and Language
  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Physical Development
  • Expressive Arts and Design
  • Understanding of the World
  • Mathematical Development
  • Literacy

We relish the opportunity for the children to be immersed in everything that our local surroundings have to offer. Enrichment opportunities include:

  • Regular Wild Curriculum trips
  • Discovery days at Worthing Library
  • Worthing Market visits
  • Inter-generational Project with St Mary’s Care Home
  • Trips to Worthing Museum
  • Visits to local parks and shops
  • Trips to Chichester Planetarium

We also like to invite visitors in to Nursery to make learning more relevant to everyday life.

  • Sussex Police
  • West Sussex Fire and Rescue
  • Vets
  • Dentists
  • Doctors and nurses
  • Pilots
  • Animal Handlers

Children Learn

We know our children as the individuals they are and, perhaps more importantly, they know that they are known. As professionals, this helps the teaching team understand how they learn and how to create an environment for them with learning opportunities to ensure that children reach their individual potential.

Our environment enables children to initiate their own learning in partnership with our Early Years teaching team. Our aim is to give every child the individual support and the space needed to be active learners, who can create, think critically, play and explore.

Our detailed observations of the children enable us to reflect on how we can expand their learning and this is demonstrated in the bespoke learning journals which are live and  developed in partnership with parents (Tapestry).

A co-educational, independent school with a strong ethos, successfully providing education to children and young people from ages 3 – 18